Emotions & Psychology
When you awake in the morning, while you are still lying in bed, think for a moment: What does it mean to be awake and alive?
Though many of its clients may not be, the therapy industry itself is healthy and robust. You may even be lying on a couch as you read this. In an era of unprecedented material excess, we sometimes find ourselves feeling emotionally bankrupt. We know where to turn for excitement, but we are lost when it comes to finding meaning. We are experts at distraction, but when we are alone with the mirror, are we truly happy? Are these questions considered neuroses? I don’t know, this conversation is stressing me out…
Sinai’s Message to Jews, Christians and Muslims: 3336 Years Later
Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this discussion to discover how the events at Sinai 3,336 years ago transformed the world, challenging nations to embrace their divine mission, and learn how Sinai’s enduring influence has refined global values, positioning us for a new stage of spiritual redemption and lasting peace among all nations.
Read MoreWhy Is Memory So Important? The Past Gives Birth to the Future
What would our days look like if we did not have our memories? If every morning we woke up with a clean slate, a blank picture and we had to rebuild everything anew… If we didn’t have our past experiences, thoughts, and memories to inform our present and future..
Read MoreTears and Joy in the Holy Land: Diary from Israel
I, Rabbi Simon Jacobson, invite you to please join me in this special discussion as I take you through a journey of my personal diary from Israel.
Read MoreHas Our Education System Failed Us? How to Raise Healthy Children
Explore the anatomy of who we are as human beings, and how education is meant to shape minds, hearts and souls into being the best they can be.
Read MoreHas Our Education System Failed Us? How to Raise Healthy Children
Has Our Education System Failed Us? How to Raise Healthy Children
Read MoreAre Our Universities Being Attacked by Hamas
Tune into this important conversation with Rabbi Simon Jacobson as he addresses the pressing question: Is Hamas at war with our students, our universities, and America?
Read MoreWhen Freedom is Slavery
The human aspiration for freedom, the desire to live as a free people, reflects the deepest longing of the soul, and is a vivid departure, standing in stark contrast to the days when monarchs and tyrants ruled. But what does freedom truly mean?
Read MoreThe Kabbalah of Existential Loneliness
Discover with Rabbi Jacobson the roots of existential loneliness and how to transcend it, finding unity and integration in a higher reality to enrich our lives.
Read MoreCan a (Truly) Religious Person be Immoral?
Explore this intriguing topic, dispelling stereotypes and shedding light on the true essence of religion and its inherent connection with morality.
Read MoreHow to Break Bad Habits and Build Good Ones
Why is it so difficult to break habits? Is there anything that we can do about it? And at the same time, how do we go about building good habits?
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