September 11th
‘Nine’ and ‘eleven,’ two numbers that have changed the present and future of the world.
It was a beautiful Tuesday morning in September. Two hijacked planes were intentionally crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and thousands of innocent people were slaughtered. This dark day brought to light a clash of civilizations that has been brewing for close to four millennia. 9/11 underlined for America and the world that there were people one this planet who would do anything to kill people unlike themselves, who would slit the throats of infidels and blow up their own babies for an evilly distorted version of a ‘god’ created in their own hateful image. It is the responsibility for God-fearing people everywhere to obliterate such evil.
Emor: How to Speak
Passionate faith can spill over into dogma and intolerance. We must be vigilant that the path of faith should be saturated with love and inspiration.
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I look closer and stare at the vulnerable and gentle snowflake – and wonder what message it has brought to me this fine morning.
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Present day conflict has a direct source in biblical schisms of our forefathers, and in the ongoing war between the spiritual and the material.
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The continued presence of both the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and particularly the Euphrates, indicates the ongoing presence of the Garden of Eden in this world.
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The world’s infrastructure is built on selfishness and leading to tragedy after tragedy. Instead, we must usher in a new era of spirituality and unity.
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