Education is not just learning the skills to make a living; it is learning to understand life itself.
Perhaps the greatest influence over one’s life is one’s education. Unlike genes, circumstance, or looks, education is pretty much something under our control. So how come no one can agree on what the ideal education looks like? Should there be G-d in the classroom? Should there be classrooms? Are schools providing us with the most important tools for us to experience life? Bottom line: Is a school meant to teach our children (and us) how to make a few bucks or how to make a difference?
Nine Ways To Raise A Moral Baby
My biggest priority as a new mom is to raise my baby with personal dignity and respect for others. It translates to teaching my baby morals from day one.
Read MoreChanukah celebrates what?
The word “Chanukah” comes from the word chinuch, which means “initiation.” Chanukah celebrates the renewal of the service in the Holy Temple after it was liberated from the Greek defiler, purified, and rededicated as the seat of G-d’s manifest presence in our world.
Read MoreLeadership: Customized, Consistent, Friendly and Firm
The Rebbe advises consistent efforts with a balance of friendliness and firmness in education.
Read MoreThe Believer
The Lubavitcher Rebbe is a wise man, a learned man, but above all, he is a believer. And to meet a believer is an altogether different experience.
Read MoreThe Lamplighter’s Credo
While many of the Torah’s laws are time- & place-specific, their significance is always eternal & universal, such as kindling the menorah in the Holy Temple
Read MoreLighting Instructions
The menorah represents man’s potential to “kindle lamps”: to illuminate within his own self, in his fellow man & in the material resources at his disposal.
Read MoreThe Long Pole
Aaron is the prototype for man’s responsibility for the spiritual elevation of his fellows, which reflects his role as kindler of the menorah in the Temple
Read MoreEducated Quests
The goal of education is for a person and his teachers to develop his personal moral vision–his perceptions of right, wrong, truth and falsehood–toward increasing degrees of synonymity with the ultimately objective moral vision: life as envisioned by its Creator.
Read MoreG-d in the Classroom
With rising crime rates, juvenile drug use, and conflicts between people, the value of religious education cannot be underestimated. This letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe expounds on the value of religious education in these trying times.
Read MoreWhat’s Wrong With Our Educational System?
What’s wrong with our educational system? This article is a transcript of a candid and critical look at the American educational system in light of the tragic school shooting in Littleton, CO.
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