The role of government is to strike a balance between individual rights and the greater good of the community. Yet no political system has been able to perfect this balance.
A civilized nation needs to be built on a foundation of morality and ethics that is timeless and unconditional. At the same time, a nation’s survival is dependent on its constant progress and growth. Since people are bound to have vastly different beliefs, who should define the standards and morality and justice that must rule all people? At what point does a government intervene to keep an individual from harming himself or others? How do we avoid the abuse of power by government leaders? The challenge is to harness our freedom, to channel it for good and righteous purposes.
Vayigash: 2000-2010
The United States now stands at perhaps the most defining moment of its history. We need to fight a war that goes far beyond the military one.
Read MoreMikeitz: Coming In from the Cold
We are blessed with the gift and responsibility to create a warm oasis, and bring people in from the heartless streets and nameless plains – and bring to life the innate warmth within each person’s soul, which is essentially a Divine pilot flame waiting to be fanned.
Read MoreMighty Lessons from the Simple Sukkah
The simple Sukkah reminds us all that our security comes from the “unalienable rights” endowed upon us all by our Creator.
Read MoreJoy Amidst Turmoil
Connect your active life to a deeper mission, reintroduce seamlessness into your existence, and you will begin releasing the joy within you.
Read MoreBeshalach: Moscow 2009
Yesterday, Moscow was destroying lives, today it is building them. Yesterday, Moscow all but annihilated Jewish life and morale. Today Jewish life is thriving here.
Read MoreVayeishev: Madoff And Holtzberg
If money is the source of your power and security, than money will also be your source of destruction and disgrace. Because after all, money is transient, and anything transient can never provide the firm foundation of security.
Read MoreExposing Abuse
What are our obligations as parents, teachers, writers, website editors, or just plain adult citizens, when it comes to abuse?
Read MoreThe Calling of Our Generation
The 20th century experienced some of the worst destruction and greatest advances this world has ever seen. Â In light of this dynamic globe, what is the purpose of our generation?
Read MoreMatos-Masei: 1967: The Summer of Awakening Part II
This week’s essay – a sequel to last week – discusses the power of inspiration and the profound consequences of not acting on a call from above….
Read MoreBalak: The Ultimate Stand
A personal story of 2 events on the same day in 1927 and 1967 that shaped the spiritual commitment to Jewish life and history revealing G-d’s Divine plan.
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