The role of government is to strike a balance between individual rights and the greater good of the community. Yet no political system has been able to perfect this balance.
A civilized nation needs to be built on a foundation of morality and ethics that is timeless and unconditional. At the same time, a nation’s survival is dependent on its constant progress and growth. Since people are bound to have vastly different beliefs, who should define the standards and morality and justice that must rule all people? At what point does a government intervene to keep an individual from harming himself or others? How do we avoid the abuse of power by government leaders? The challenge is to harness our freedom, to channel it for good and righteous purposes.
Shelach: Six-Day War
Paralleling the miraculous Six-Day War victory with the story of the Twelve Spies in Parshat Shelach – how Jewish leaders should learn from past mistakes.
Read MoreKorach: Give(rs) and Take(rs)
In Parshat Korach in the Book of Numbers we learn the value of wealth. The history of money reflects the inherent conflict of life: are we takers or givers?
Read MoreShelach: Jury Duty
Learning Samech Vav while doing jury duty: Living a spiritual life in a material world means engaging and transforming life not just avoidance & insulation.
Read MorePinchas: Religious Violence Part I
Pinchas, in Parsaht Pinchas, is a peaceful, selflessness zealot & exemplary in the face of current politico-religious tensions, radicalism and liberalism.
Read MoreYisro: Sinai 2005
Discover how the revelation at Mt. Sinai served as the blueprint for mankind’s freedom versus law and order.
Read MoreChayei Sarah: America Speaks
A commentary on the 2004 election of President George W Bush from a spiritual Jewish perspective.
Read MoreShelach: Ronald Reagan
Learning from President Ronald Reagan & the sin of the spies in Parshat Shelach: hope & confidence breeds confidence; self-doubt & fear demoralizes & taints
Read MoreBamidbar: After 3316 Years How Far Are We From Sinai?
Parshat Bamidbar: Sinai created an interface bridging heaven & earth, giving us the power to fuse matter & spirit entirely without compromising either or.
Read MoreBehar Bechukotai: Global Dimming
Present day conflict has a direct source in biblical schisms of our forefathers, and in the ongoing war between the spiritual and the material.
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