G-d is not an Orthodox Jew, nor is G-d Conservative or Reform. What about you?
It isn’t what you think it is. It isn’t cold, it isn’t irrelevant, it isn’t biased, and it certainly isn’t chauvinistic. Religion gets a very bad rap. But Religion is to existence what notes and scales are to music; Religion is to humanity what grammar is to language. Religion is but a highly sophisticated system of spiritually mathematical rules that allow us to experience life and reality in a deeply meaningful way. The challenge of course is discovering the music in the notes, lest it be coerced piano lessons all over again. And this discovery is why you are here.
Vayikra: The Tzaddik
Based on the insight of the Alter Rebbe and the Rebbe Rashab, the concept of a true tzaddik is explored in the context of the nature of this world.
Read MoreThe Dust of History
The cosmic struggle to reconcile spirit and matter are captured in the story of Jacob and Esau and the battle between these two opposing forces.
Read MoreToldot: The Power of Human Exertion
Who fully grasps a concept, one who immediately comprehends it, or one who must struggle to understand it? Part five of Samech Vov discusses this question, and examines the value of human exertion.
Read MoreChaya Sarah: Tattoos
Man can transcend seemingly permanent scars or wounds – both physical and psychological – and access the inner recesses of his soul.
Read MoreBack To The Roots
Today our challenge is to rise above our finite mortality, our flaws and subjectivity, and embrace G-d on G-d’s terms.
Read MoreNoach: The Power of a Mitzvah
Doing a Mitzvah can be the difference between a life of enslavement in a finite bottle, or freeing your finite being by becoming a piece of finite infinity.
Read MoreMassei: My Enemies Make Me Wise
From our enemies we learn our weaknesses and what needs protection. From Al Qaeda’s new print-Internet magazine we learn about our own passion for Israel.
Read MoreMatos: Religious Violence Part II
The context behind waging war in Biblical historical events and the Torah’s perspective thereon, as seen in Parshat Matot in the Book of Numbers (Bamidbar).
Read MorePinchas: Religious Violence Part I
Pinchas, in Parsaht Pinchas, is a peaceful, selflessness zealot & exemplary in the face of current politico-religious tensions, radicalism and liberalism.
Read MoreChukat: The Face
In Parshat Chukat Moses’ face turned pale: knowing what it means to be created in the “Divine Image” & learning the cycle of life & death through faces.
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