G-d is not an Orthodox Jew, nor is G-d Conservative or Reform. What about you?
It isn’t what you think it is. It isn’t cold, it isn’t irrelevant, it isn’t biased, and it certainly isn’t chauvinistic. Religion gets a very bad rap. But Religion is to existence what notes and scales are to music; Religion is to humanity what grammar is to language. Religion is but a highly sophisticated system of spiritually mathematical rules that allow us to experience life and reality in a deeply meaningful way. The challenge of course is discovering the music in the notes, lest it be coerced piano lessons all over again. And this discovery is why you are here.
How to Wage a War Against Apathy
Apathy, characterized by indifference, can hinder personal growth and the pursuit of meaningful goals. Discover a comprehensive approach to inspire and ignite a passionate and purposeful life.
Read MoreThe UNITED States: Why Are We So Divided?
Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in unraveling the complexities of our divided nation, and embark on a journey towards a more united and harmonious United States. Together, let us discover the path to healing and forge a brighter future for generations to come.
Read MoreThe Soul of Charisma
Spiritual charisma is not about seeking validation or trying to impress others. It is about embodying and radiating your authentic spiritual nature, connecting with others on a deeper level, and inspiring them to explore their own spirituality.
Read MoreAre All Political Leaders Corrupt?
The very question itself, posed by many, speaks of our mistrust and negative feelings towards our leaders today. Does being a leader mean that you need to compromise, negotiate and manipulate your way through power? Can a leader even keep his values and morals intact these days?
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Youth Crime and Social Media: How Can We Stop the Trend?
Youth Crime and Social Media: How Can We Stop the Trend?
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