Exile is not a noun but a verb.
Chains, fences, and barbed wire create physical exiles; but there are exiles that run much deeper. Being chained off from your own self, or handcuffed from your own abilities, is devastating; being imprisoned within your own insecurities, or constricted by your own fears, is sadness personified. In many cases the keys to the tumblers that lock us down are within our very own pockets – or at least within our very own souls. Every single person has been to an exile or ten. And every single person has had the ability to be free.
The Last Jew
The month of Cheshvan, by virtue of its ordinariness, represents the very purpose of life on earth.
Read MoreIt’s Up To You!
It is not sufficient to mouth slogans. It is up to each and every of you to bring the ultimate redemption with your actions.
Read MoreChayei Sarah: Can East Meet West?
Abraham surely knew how religious zealotry can breed intolerance, condescension, judgmentalism and prejudices of all sorts — feeding into the ugliest elements of human nature.
Read MoreOn the Non-Existence of Evil
Take a deep look at the non existence of evil. Explore the idea that “Everything that G-d does, He does for good” conception of evil and suffering, as experienced by Rabbi Akiva.
Read MoreSignpost: Cities of Refuge
Discover the spiritual meaning of the Biblical cities of refuge. You can create spiritual cities of refuge in your life. The imperative to build cities of refuge has special meaning to us today, when the roads of life are teeming with spiritual refugees. It is our sacred duty to station ourselves at all the crossroads and serve as living signposts, calling out “Refuge! Refuge!” and pointing the way to the haven of Torah.
Read MoreWhy Does Israel Dominate Headlines?
Why does Israel so dominate the headlines? A country barely the square miles of New Jersey, with a population less than most countries in the world, captures people’s attention far more than any other.
Read MoreVayechi: 2500 Seekers
Let us always remember that whomever you meet in the coming year will not be an accident. It will be an opportunity – a dual opportunity: For you to illuminate, inspire and warm that person’s soul, to inspire encourage that person to add and extra good deed; and for you to be illuminated and inspired in return.
Read MoreVayeitzei: Jewish Roots
Perhaps the venerable New York Times can learn a thing or two about “all the news that’s fit to print” from living with the times in this week’s Torah portion.
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