Free Choice
Choices are free; it is the consequences that we pay for dearly. Or, more dearly, that pay us.
Most things in life are beyond conventional choice. We cannot choose not to breathe and remain living. We cannot choose to cease eating and expect to grow older. Like the color of our eyes, our genes, families, minds, natures, abilities, are mostly ingrained in us and beyond our will to change. True free choice is what we choose to do with these parts that make us who we are and how we choose to live with the elements at our disposal. We cannot choose not to breathe, but we can choose what to do when we do breathe. We cannot choose to cease eating, but we very well can choose what to eat and how to eat it. These are the most freeing choices of all.
Righteous and Just
Abraham’s mandate is as important today as ever. And his persistence teaches us the power of one individual’s choice, how much it can accomplish.
Read MoreThe Two Floods
In our lives we have both options: A deluge of waters that will overwhelm and destroy us; or a deluge of Divine knowledge that submerges us in its watery embrace.
Read MoreCan We Change Our Personalities?
By seeing ourselves as Divine we can begin looking at the universe in a new way and then recognize our ability to change existence as a whole.
Read MoreIs G-d Vulnerable?
True love means being vulnerable. Our relationship with G-d is one of vulnerability and equal dependence on each other.
Read MoreMessenger or Matchmaker
Ultimate commitment is when an independent thinker chooses to dedicate himself to a cause greater than himself, to be a messenger and extension of it.
Read MoreWill G-d Strike Me With Lightning?
Seven myths and facts about the ancient mystical Jewish view on the relationship between our choices and their outcomes…
Read MoreAre You Your Own Worst Enemy?
The great gift of Torah is that it provides us with a Divine blueprint on how to live our lives. Your unique mission statement is embedded within you.
Read MoreThink Different
We must see current events as a unique opportunity to wake up: This is our time to affect real change, it is time to start thinking and acting differently.
Read MoreWhen No is Greater than Yes
Avoiding the wrong thing is better than doing the right thing; protecting is better than serving (Samech Vav) as seen in Parshat Naso and the wilderness.
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