Shavuot is a Jewish agricultural festival (the wheat harvest) as well as a holiday celebrating the giving of the Torah to the Israelites at Mount Sinai. The mystical dimensions of Shavuot involve harnessing the deep powers of the human soul to reach one's true potential.
The holiday of Shavuot begins at sundown of the 5th of Sivan and lasting until nightfall of the 7th of Sivan (June 11 – 13, 2024). The mystical dimensions of Shavuot, as well as their real-life applications, are many. The Meaningful Life Center offers an archive of deep-yet-accessible lessons on the Kabbalistic aspects of Shavuot. Explore!
Download the Practical, Personal and Spiritual MLC Guide to Shavuot
Buy Inside Time: A Chassidic Perspective on the Jewish Calendar
The Ten Commandments: I Will Do and I Will Hear
Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson and discover the 10 principles which are the blueprint of our human connection to the transcendent divine.
Read MoreBringing Sinai Home
Special pre-Shavuos class and Yizkor program and discover how this year, we have a unique and unprecedented opportunity to bring Sinai home and transform our lives like never before. In the moving Yizkor program learn how to connect to the eternal souls of your loved ones.
Read MoreHow High Can You Reach? Pre-Shavuot Workshop
Learn about your true possibilities — how to see and how to conquer new horizons, panoramas that you may have long forgotten or perhaps never known of.
Read MoreIs There Hatred in Your Heart?
Gain a new perspective of love and hate. Discover how to live a hateless life, A life of love without any toxins in your heart.
Read MoreCan You Create a Revolution? Pre-Shavuot Workshop
Learn what makes you unique, the indispensable role you play in this world, and above all, how to gain the courage to find and follow your own voice.
Read MoreThe Original E=mc² Pre-Shavuot Workshop
E=mc², is rooted in the events at Sinai, which unleashed forces allowing us to transform our material mass-filled lives into forces of positive energy.
Read MoreWhere Does Heaven Meet Earth?
Uncover the secret power of Sinai, when Heaven met Earth for the first time, the experience that revolutionized the world forever after.
Read MoreOne Heart: The Message of Shavuot
In Parshat Bamidbar what power did Sinai have that united the people when they “camped opposite the mountain”? Total fusion of matter & spirit; body & soul.
Read MoreThink Different Part II: On the Nature of Intelligence
Part two of a discussion about cognitive processes, particularly the twofold approach for expanding one’s mind and tuning into the collective unconscious.
Read MoreShavuot: The Twins – Duality & Unity
The concept of duality in matters of body and spirit are examined with respect to the opposing natures of twins Jacob and Esau.
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