Rosh Hashanah
Experience the holiday like never before! Insights, information and more.
Rosh Hashanah 2023: Friday evening, September 15 – Sunday evening, September 17.
We dip apple – and challah – in honey, candying the coming year. And we wish a happy and sweet new year to the entire world. But why do we blow the shofar? Why are these days celebrated as the Rosh, the head, of the year. Why do we crown the King of the universe and how can we best pray and bond with Him? Is there really a Book of Life? Learn about the origins of creation and commit to fulfilling its potential. Invigorate and discover the excitement of the Jewish New Year and reap the rewards in the coming year!
The Universal Message of Rosh Hashanah
The First Rosh Hashanah: Where it All Began
Family Loyalty
A discussion of family loyalty illustrates the idea of forgiveness in Judaism. A story of the Seer of Lublin.
Read MoreThe Materialistic Spiritualist
Is materialistic spirituality an oxymoron? When striving to carry out the will of his Creator, is man justified in requesting the fulfillment of his personal desires? A discussion of Rosh Hashanah and the nature of man’s soul.
Read MoreVayelech: A Year In Perspective
As we enter the new year, this essay reflects on the past year, the lessons learned, challenges encountered and meaning made…
Read MoreWhat is the Calling of Our Time?
As we approach Rosh Hashana: Here is a good question to ask yourself:
If you were able to have a glimpse of G-d’s thoughts,how would they look?
Netzovim – Vayeilech: Birthing
Samech Vav, part 19 discusses the renewed light that shines on the eve of Rosh Hashana, a light which is relevant to each of us as a unique being…
Read MoreKi Tovo: Tremors
As we prepare for Rosh Hashanah we reflect on what the world has been and imagine into what the new century may challenge us with…
Read MoreTo Stand Before G-d
On the Shabbat before Rosh Hashanah we read Parshat Nitzavim, which begins with the contradictory words: “You stand today, all of you, before G-d your G-d”
Read MoreWhen Shabbat Follows Rosh Hashanah
Learn about this spiritual meaning of where Rosh Hashanah falls on the Jewish calendar.
Read MoreNetzavim Rosh Hashana: Give Me Your Soul
Envision what your child will look like having grown into an adult saturated with not just with love and nurturing, but with a profound sense of purpose.
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