Rosh Hashanah

Experience the holiday like never before! Insights, information and more.

Rosh Hashanah 2023: Friday evening, September 15 – Sunday evening, September 17.

We dip apple – and challah – in honey, candying the coming year. And we wish a happy and sweet new year to the entire world. But why do we blow the shofar? Why are these days celebrated as the Rosh, the head, of the year. Why do we crown the King of the universe and how can we best pray and bond with Him? Is there really a Book of Life? Learn about the origins of creation and commit to fulfilling its potential. Invigorate and discover the excitement of the Jewish New Year and reap the rewards in the coming year!


The Universal Message of Rosh Hashanah

 The First Rosh Hashanah: Where it All Began

How to Set Yourself Up for a Great Year

Why We Bless Each Other With a “Good and Sweet Year”

The Universal Message of Rosh Hashana
A Blast in 3 Dimensions
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The Meaningful Life Center