Simchat Torah
Dancing! Singing! Epic Torah readings! Simchat Torah is time of mystical, transcendent fun. Uncover the deepest meanings of Simchat Torah and Shemini Atzeret.
Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah 2023: Friday Evening, October 6-8
The joy of Sukkot reaches its peak during its final days. At the conclusion of the Torah reading cycle, we dance with the Torah during Hakafot. These autumn festivals are a celebration of reuniting with the Creator and transcending our personal boundaries. During Simchat Torah, dancing is a form of repentance — we return to our purest selves through uninhibited joy. Discover the mystical, Kabbalistic meaning of these joyous days in the Meaningful Life Center’s archives.
MP3 Class: Sukkot and Simchat Torah – Joy
Simchat-Torah: From Chickens to Vegetables
As we move right along from fauna to flora, from swirling chickens before Yom Kippur to thrusting shrubs on Sukkot, the holidays have an organic nature…
Read MoreAbsorbing The Joy: The Significance of Shemini Atzeret
Sukkot is followed by a day in which our joy reaches its peak and the holiday that preceded this day is internalized.
Read MoreSimchat Torah: Absolute Passion in the Face of Complacency
As we enter the climax of the High Holiday season we are challenged to ask ourselves: What do we stand for, what do we fight for? Movingly discussed here…
Read MoreMoses’ Choice
Moses’ breaking of the tablets was an act endorsed by G-d. How is the breaking of the covenant between G-d and the Jewish people an achievement of Moses?
Read MoreTorah In The Winter
On Simchat Torah we read Vezot Haberachah in conclusion of the annual Torah-reading cycle. It is the day of rejoicing the Torah, but not of receiving it.
Read MoreThe Marriage Contract
Breaking the tablets symbolized a severing of the relationship between G-d and the Jewish people, an act which constitutes Moses’ greatest achievement
Read MoreA Shattering Reunion
It is told of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev that one year after Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, he stayed up all night waiting to put on tefillin.
Read MoreDancing with the Torah
Dancing with the Torah caused the Torah to become deeply embedded into my life, part of the weave and warp of my being.
Read MoreDaughters Near and Far: The Atzeret of Sukkot
Our receiving of the Torah on Shavuot is the “Atzeret” of our liberation from slavery seven weeks earlier.
Read MoreFire: A Narrative by Rabbi Pinchas Reizes of Shklov
Rabbi Pinchas Reizes of Shklov tells a story of a miracle on Simchat Torah.
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