In the beginning… The key to life is to ensure that it is always beginning, never ending.
The six days of creation culminate in the birth of humanity. Adam and Eve wished to taste knowledge. Little did they know that when you take a bite out of knowledge, knowledge also takes a bite out of you. Forever did the world change, becoming more challenging, but also more rewarding. Cain and Abel, the precursors to sibling rivalries everywhere. Thus begins the greatest story ever told, the story of the world, the story of you and I, the story how a human being may touch the divine.
The Creation of Light
The creation of light is G-d’s concept of existence. It is the vision He articulated into being before getting down to the nuts and bolts of creation. The vision which precedes all, pervades all, and culminates all.
Read MoreOwnership of Israel
The Torah is establishing that it is more than a “rulebook,” more than a list of things to do or not to do. It is G-d’s blueprint for creation, our guide for realizing the purpose for which everything in heaven and earth was made including ownership of Israel.
Read MoreOne Day: The Spiritual Meaning of Day and Night
The story of creation reveals the spiritual meaning of day and night. Learn about the creation story from the teachings of the Rebbe.
Read MoreDid G-d Want Adam and Eve to Eat the Fruit?
Did God want Adam and Eve to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge? What does this say about the existence of good and evil in the world, and purpose?
Read MoreVistas of Repentance
A moving personal essay about repentance. Release your guilt and shame. You are doing the best you can do. Elevate the past and choose wisely in the future.
Read MoreDreamworld: Joseph’s Dreams
What Joseph’s dreams teach us about the nature of reality. Based on a talk by the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Read MoreBe Fruitful and Multiply
How did it come about that one’s own child may be perceived as a potential threat to our personal well-being? Let’s look back to the first parents.The story of Adam & Eve illustrates how this idea began, but also offers solutions.
Read MoreBereishit: The Origin of Consciousness
Just like a machine cannot run if it’s not being used for what its engineer intended, we too cannot function smoothly if we are living dichotomies.
Read MoreCan A Maskil Dance?
The ultimate purpose, is not to be smart and profound, but to be G-dly. Being sensitive and refined is not an end in itself but to be G-dly.
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