True Reality appears when all else disappears.
Sometimes angels may appear human, just as humans, at times, may appear angelic. After a delectable feast, the three angels tell Sarah that, in one year’s time, she will give birth to a child. Sarah, 90 years of age, laughs. Mazal tov! It’s a boy and his name is Isaac. Try as he might, Abraham cannot find one redeeming factor in the city of Sodom. The Creator thus deletes Sodom from creation. Abraham sends Ishmael east, out of his father’s house. The binding of Isaac changes the perception of humanities relationship with G-d forever. Is it greater to live for G-d or die for G-d?
Vayeira: Where is Moshiach? In Sodom
The theme, in this week’s Torah portion, the destruction of the wicked cities, Sodom and Gomorrah, a deceptively complex story…
Read MoreThe Oven Stokers of Mezerich
A story of the ‘Oven Stoker’s of Mezeritch’ and how each of them described their degree of self-sacrifice attained in their service of the Almighty.
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Flying Branches
Man was empowered to live a G-dly life, to think G-dly thoughts, speak G-dly words and do G-dly deeds through the mitzvot of the Torah established by G-d.
Read MoreYes and No
Gain insight into why G-d created the world and discover the spiritual significance behind the unique mitzvah of circumcision.
Read MoreThe Oven Stokers of Mezerich
An overheard conversation of the Oven Stokers of Mezerich. Chassidic story about self-sacrifice and Divine service.
Read MoreThree Lovers of Israel
Three great Chassidic leaders were famous for their ahavat yisrael (“love of a fellow Jew”): Rabbi Zusha of Anipoli, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, and Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov.
Read MoreThe Natural Jew
The example of Abraham’s circumcision demonstrates, a mitzvah extends far beyond its momentary act of fulfilling the divine will.
Read MoreThe Rebbe’s Budget
Rabbi Israel of Ruzhin had a smart answer for a skeptical business man.
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