Arriving to your destination – especially when it is a profound destination – is a journey in itself.
When we do reach our destination, arrive into the Holy Land, the agricultural laws are intricate and diverse. As with any great, nuanced entity, the more familiar one is with its mechanisms the better one can optimize the experience. The Land is immense in many ways; its mechanisms are essential. The rebuke is what happens when we do not connect with the subtleties and see only the earthy dirt but do not perceive the Holy Land. When we are attuned sensitively, our senses are forever changed.
The King in the Field
Elul, the last month of the year, resembles the “holy” portions of the calendar. Yet, as a month in which we work it seemingly presents a paradox…
Read MoreThe Rebirth of the Birthday
Two great luminaries in the history of Chassidism were born on the 18th of Elul and in recent generations this date has been marked with significance.
Read MoreWaking Moment
As soon as we wake from sleep we recite the Modeh Ani prayer, acknowledging that it is He who grants us life and being every moment of our existence.
Read MoreKi Tavo: Boys Will Be Men
Today’s war must be waged with a powerful moral vision. It is not just a defensive war against terrorist attacks; it is an offensive battle for the ambitious vision of a world that will live in peace, while respecting the diversity of nations, cultures and faiths.
Read MoreOn the Non-Existence of Evil
Take a deep look at the non existence of evil. Explore the idea that “Everything that G-d does, He does for good” conception of evil and suffering, as experienced by Rabbi Akiva.
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