What we stand for is predicated upon whom we stand before.
Unity is a beautiful thing. From the heads of state to the woodchoppers, from the princes to the water-carriers, from the elder sages to the young revolutionaries, together we stand afore the Creator of the world. Moses speaks about the ultimate redemption, and the confusion that will precede it. Lest you think the Torah is distant from you and its dream is unattainable, know this: it is in your mouth, in your heart, and in your deeds. You have the will to choose between life and death. Choose wisely.
The Torah Says
Each year the Maggid of Trsik would begin the year by citing sources as proof that this is the year that the Moshiach would come, the year of redemption…
Read MoreMe? Religious?
This is a personal story of how Chassidic teachings revitalized one man’s life and his perspective on his relationship with his Jewish self.
Read MoreFree Choice
The ultimate criterion of “free choice” is not “Is it determined?” but “What determines it?” Every choice is determined by something, be it a rational motive or an intuitive flash of no traceable origin. True choice is when one’s course of action is determined by, and only by, the very quintessence of self.
Read MoreNetzavim Rosh Hashana: Give Me Your Soul
Envision what your child will look like having grown into an adult saturated with not just with love and nurturing, but with a profound sense of purpose.
Read MoreNetzvim-Vayelech: Blackberry Unplugged
By pressing a button in one corner of our lives we set in motion a series of events that reverberate around the world; how you can hold infinity in the palm of your handheld device.
Read MoreNetzavim: Existence Unplugged
Hemshech Tzaddik-Dalet dissects the very nature of existence, indeed, the very nature of reality itself. It’s central and most remarkable theme is that existence as we see and experience it is not real at all.
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