It isn’t enough to go to temple. One must also become a temple.
A home for the Divine, a spiritual dwelling, is built out of mundane matter. From metals, to fabrics, to woods, the various materials of earth fashion the heavenly house. This is, essentially, life’s goal, to turn everything and everyone into a dwelling for the Divine. Upon the peaks of Sinai, the Creator blueprints for Moses the nuances of what exactly this temple looks like and how to carry its etherealness with us through any of life’s threatening wildernesses. The inner sanctum contains the ark, crowned by the cherubim and home to the tablets of the covenant. There is the menorah, the bread table, curtains, pillars, and altars. This building is up to code.
How to Become a Leader
Discover the five features — derived from Moses — that define a leader. Access inner strengths hitherto unbeknownst even to you.
Read MoreJoy Amidst Turmoil
The secret of seamlessness – which lies behind the secret of happiness – is thus dependent on discovering the mission of our lives.
Read MoreThe Lonely G-d
The next time you feel all alone, remember two things: You are not alone; your loneliness is shared by every soul and by G-d Himself. Every essence is fundamentally alone.
Read MoreLooking at Heaven
Just as one can learn about G-d by studying Torah, one can also learn about G-d by observing the world He created.
Read MoreOn Freedom and Authority
From the French Revolution to the times of Moshiach, the Jewish people continues to cling to unity, identity, and G-d.
Read MoreThe Face of a Child
Two different interpretations on the two keruvim above the ark lead to lessons on G-d’s wisdom and love of His people.
Read MorePrehistoric Cedars
The cedar trees used to build the sanctuary were originally rooted in the Holy Land just like each soul of the Jewish nation.
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