Dreamers do not cease to dream in prison. Nor when they lead the world economy.
One of the most dramatic and spiritual characters, Joseph embodies the journey of our lives. A child with dreams of a perfect world leads to sibling rivalry. Sold into bondage by his own brothers, Joseph lands in an Egyptian prison when he repels the advances of his bosses. There, the dreamer interprets dreams and rises to pharaoh’s viceroy. Joseph innovates economic systems to ensure Egyptian sustainability. Joseph fathers two sons, Menasha and Ephraim. When the world is faced with devastating famine, a global recession, financially secure Egypt becomes the world’s wealthiest and most powerful state. When his family is forced to Egypt due to the famine, Joseph is reunited with his siblings and father. Joseph passes away, his bones destined to rise to the Promised Land with the exodus.
Joseph: The Prince of Egypt
Lessons on loyalty and royalty: the journey from pauper to prince
Read MoreA Family Reunion: What Joseph Teaches Us About Forgiveness
Essentially, Joseph’s initial tragedy was the catalyst that brought the birth of the Jewish people, the giving of the Torah – and all that followed. Imagine if Joseph would’ve chosen to wallow in his grief instead, choosing a path of hopelessness and despair? Where would we all be today? Let us learn from Joseph to take the path toward light instead of darkness, toward growth instead of stagnation.
Read MoreFighting Apathy: Preparing in the Years of Plenty for the Years of Famine
Often, we get stuck in the here and now – trying our best to simply survive or live in the moment, and not being able to see the forest from the trees. How do we find the resolve and passion to look ahead, to see a future that is a direct result of our current actions and beliefs? Can we shift our mindset to see the bigger picture and actualize it in our daily lives?
Read MoreThe Elusive Secret of Family Harmony: When Eleven Brothers Turned on One
Jealousy, betrayal, sibling rivalry… Just how far can it go? In this week’s Torah Portion, Vayeishev, Jospeh is sold into slavery by his eleven brothers. Eleven brothers who – instead of loving him unconditionally and having his back – are so overcome with bitterness toward him that they want him dead, gone from their lives for good. How does this happen?
Read MoreCan You Change Your Destiny?
Learn from Jacobs blessings the method to writing the script of your own life, and transcending even the parts of your life that are not in your control.
Read MoreBack to the Tzimtzum
The reality that we live with seems harsh because the world was created dark, but everything in this world has a higher purpose that we can’t see.
Read MorePeace at Home: The Key to World Peace
Joseph’s clash with his brothers teaches us how to repair and heal the world. We must begin by repairing ourselves and integrating faith in our actions.
Read MoreA Lunch to Remember
Jacob’s battle with the angel imbues us with the power to fight and win our battles, until we reveal the ultimate light of personal and global redemption.
Read MoreMassacre in San Bernardino
What can we do about the massacre in San Bernardino? Joseph’s clash with his brothers teaches us how to repair and heal the world. We must begin by repairing ourselves and integrating faith in our actions.
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