Eikev: Game Plan


Now that the world has yet again – almost five years to the day from 9/11/2001 – been rocked to its core by the latest terror plot, while Israel is entangled in its war against Hezbollah terror – it’s high time to revisit the issues at hand and come up with a game plan.

However it’s not that simple.

No one likes to be rudely awakened in middle of a peaceful slumber. But like every war, the longer we wait the greater the danger. The quicker we wake up, recognize and take on the enemy the less we will have to suffer, and the faster we will vanquish those that want to hurt us.

But the key to any battle is to define its parameters, dissect the anatomy of the enemy and spell out our goals: Who is the enemy? What is the cause of the hostilities? And then what possible solutions are available?

Though Islamic terrorists have declared war on Israel, the United States, Europe and the Western world – and have acted on their declaration on 9/11 and the subsequent attacks in London and other cities, not to mention all the thwarted plots – it is quite clear that the countries of the world have not come to grips with this war. President Bush and Prime Minister Blair have perhaps the moral clarity necessary to fight this war, but they have not convinced the world at large that this is a just war and one that is not going away just because we don’t like it.

Our inability to acknowledge this challenge is most obviously due to the unusual and unprecedented nature of this war.

Who exactly is our enemy today? In a conventional war, the enemy is clear and defined. Your enemy has a country, a capital, and armed forces in distinct uniforms. In the current terrorist war the enemy has no face, no place, no land – nothing to lose, and nothing to fear. We don’t have a target to attack, no cities to bomb which will serve as a deterrent.

In a conventional war the enemy also has tangible objectives: Conquest of land, resources, power, and money. What is the objective of the Muslim fascists when they attack Western targets? What do they want? In every war, each side states its terms, and what they want their enemy to surrender. What would satisfy these extremists? What would it take for them to stop their attacks?

All these questions testify to the mysterious nature of our current war, and the resulting prevailing confusion and debates on how to deal with this adversary.

Indeed, this is the first time in history when people are wondering whether this is even a war or not! And if yes, what type of war is it?

How in the world can one fight with any direction, fortitude or confidence if we don’t even know or acknowledge that we are fighting a war?!…

So, once and of all we have to decide one way or another: Are we are fighting a war or are we not fighting a war?

Which is why it so aggravating to see that despite the unprovoked attacks on Israel by Hezbollah, Israel seems to be unsure about this war: On one hand Israel correctly exercised its fundamental obligation to protect its citizens by responding with an all-out assault on Hezbollah in Lebanon. Israel bombed away at Hezbollah strongholds. Seeing that air power alone did not destroy the threat, the Israeli army sent in ground forces. That too did not deter the enemy, so they announced that they are launching a new ground offensive. Then they decide not to deploy the troops, waiting for diplomacy to kick in. Back and forth, back and forth.

On one hand, Israel correctly argues that you can’t negotiate with terrorists that don’t play by any rules, hide behind civilians and wantonly attack innocent people. On the other hand, they keep putting things off awaiting a diplomatic solution. And even if a cease-fire is imposed, what happens next? Next month? Next year? Has the problem been solved, the enemy vanquished? Ha Hezbollah disappeared? And what about Iran?

What is going on? If this is a war – fight all the way. And if not don’t fight at all. The worse thing to do is to fight with one hand tied behind your back…

Which explains why after four weeks of fighting people question what has been achieved? Clearly, Israeli leadership is lacking – to put it mildly – or perhaps they simply are inept…

Amidst all this confusion, suddenly the chilling news breaks of a greater Islamic terrorist plot to blow airplanes filled with innocent people out of the skies.

Is this a coincidence? Or is it perhaps a rude reminder that we are indeed engaged in a very real and persistent war that must be fought to the very end, or else we will continue to be haunted.

Imagine: In middle of World War II the Allies enter into diplomatic negotiations with Hitler and Nazi Germany. One shudders to think what would have happened if the UN and… CNN would be intervening in that conflict.

The single most critical component in war is clarity – a very clear definition of the targeted enemy, an unwavering commitment to fight the enemy, and above all an absolute crystal-clear conclusion to the war, in which there is a clear winner and loser.

The Allies demanded unconditional surrender from the Axis powers – Germany and Japan without any face-saving, diplomatic measures. Why? Because when you are fighting a sworn enemy, who has demonstrated its objective to destroy you, there is no room for loopholes, ambiguity and fluctuating attitudes. Allow the enemy any small opening, and they will never go away.

No one wants or likes war. No one wants innocent people to die and be displaced due to war. But when there is a sworn enemy, who challenges the very right of innocent people to live in peace – and assaults the basic foundations of civilization (no matter what grievance and excuse the enemy may have) – then war against this enemy is an act of peace, and act of preserving life.

How many people have to die or be threatened with death before we realize that the world is at war with a new enemy: terrorism?

Just look at how the populations of Great Britain and the United States – and millions of others around the globe – were paralyzed today due to the latest terrorist plot to kill thousands of people flying over the Atlantic.

We can put off the inevitable confrontation, but there is no doubt that we are dealing with a sworn enemy, who wants to destroy the Western way of life, Israel, Europe and the United States.


Some students of history may argue that its naïve and even arrogant to draw such stark lines and state that the Western World is in the all right and the Islamic fundamentalists is all wrong. They may point out to the many flaws in European and American society, and who gave the West the right to take the moral high ground and insist that they have a monopoly on truth and demonize the Muslims.

All wars, the argument goes, is not about absolute right and wrong. With this approach some could go as so far and say that even the Nazis were not absolutely evil.

Without beginning a theological discussion on the definition of good and evil, the universal law that governs us all is that no one – absolutely no individual, nation, religion or culture – has a right to compromise the rights or kill other people. What you believe in your heart is your business, but when you attack others you will be held accountable.

Others recognize that the war against Islamic terrorism is war, but not our war. It is Israel’s problem not ours.

Inevitably there will be those that will scapegoat Israel and the Jews for all “our problems” – was Mel Gibson’s recent drunken outburst also a coincidence? – the claim made by anti-Semites throughout history. Richard Cohen recently wrote in his Washington Post column,

“Israel itself is a mistake . . . an honest mistake, a well-intentioned mistake, a mistake for which no one is culpable [but which] has produced a century of warfare and terrorism of the sort we are seeing now.”

Citing these words, Kurt Andersen wrote in New York Magazine, that

“Sixty years on, there can be no revising or reversing that mistake—and when the choice is Israel versus unaccommodating Islamist fanatics, we must be for Israel. Is there any more inconvenient truth?,” “Israel is a good and miraculous nation that deserves the support of civilized people, but the great unfortunate fact about its creation—being carved by the U.N. out of Arab land in 1947—cannot be ignored or wished away. We have no choice but to support Israel.”

Then there are those that recognize that this is a war against us all. And they do not forget the lesson of the miners’ canary: Throughout history Israel and Jews always stood at the front line; fascists and killers of all sorts attacked the Jews first and then terrorize the rest of the world.

Is it a coincidence that the Middle East quagmire keeps spilling over to the rest of the world?

An attack on one innocent person is an attack against all innocent people. Once the line is crossed in compromising the basic dignity of life in one corner of Earth it is only a matter of time when it will come to haunt the entire globe. An unstemmed attack against innocent people in Israel foretells what will inevitably – and sadly – happen around the world.

Unfortunately this isn’t just a theory, but the call of Islamic jihad against the “infidels of the West,” agents of the Zionist/Crusader/American plot. They specifically state time and again that their war is not with Israel alone but with the entire secular West. Tragically these aren’t mere words. The attacks of September 11 in the USA, and again in Spain, London and other cities around the world – and the most recent foiled plot – only demonstrate what the world is up against.

So, how do we proceed? What is the true nature of this war, and what is the solution?

Some, perhaps most, choose denial. Ignore the situation and go on with our lives. Especially when the situation becomes complex, most people simply do not want to look at the issues head on. “Let us rest in peace,” is the popular cry of denial.

Others argue that we need to join forces with other countries and not behave unilaterally, and work at solutions together. But what do you do when countries have their own interests in mind – for instance, economic interests as in oil and the Middle East – that taint their positions regarding Middle Eastern regimes?

And, finally, others feel that we have no choice but need to go to declare war against terrorism, against all extremists who have declared jihad against Israel and the Western World. Following 9/11, America, under President Bush, has embraced this approach.

The problem with this strategy is, as Thomas Friedman points out, even if the President has moral clarity, he does not have moral authority in the world’s eyes. Mr. Friedman argues that other nations world always admired the United States (albeit with envy) for its naiveté and eternal optimism. America offered the world a buoyant message of hope and confidence in a better future. Today the nations feel that America is promoting a dark message of despair, defensiveness and fear.

Whether Friedman is correct or not, the current war on terrorism definitely behooves America to not just advocate the vices of the enemy, but the virtues of freedom.

And this brings us back to the nature of today’s war, unlike any war ever fought. Today’s war is fundamentally an ideological one. Perhaps for the first time in history this war is driven by purely religious and faith based forces. Millions of Muslim children are indoctrinated from young age with a radical vision of a secular, Western world of infidels that must be destroyed and replaced with Islam. Martyrdom is deified. Children are brainwashed that the greatest thing they can do is give their lives for Islam against the infidels.

All you have to do is listen to some ex-terrorists, who describe in frightening detail how they were programmed from early age to kill Jews and Westerners, and thereby be rewarded with heaven. When asked what they suggest should be done with Muslim terrorists, they unequivocally reply: Do not negotiate. Go all the way and destroy them all. They will never understand words, logic and dialogue.

As the most powerful country in the world the United States must lead this war with a powerful moral vision. It is not just a defensive war against terrorist attacks; it is an offensive battle for the ambitious vision of a world that will live in peace, while respecting the diversity of nations, cultures and faiths. We are fighting a war for a vision – first delivered at Sinai – which guided the Founding Father: That all people are created equal, with inalienable rights granted by virtue that we are all G-d’s children, created in the Divine Image. Everyone has the right to practice and believe in their unique way. The enemy is anyone who breaches the universal and absolute law of hurting or killing another person; of denying and robbing any person of their fundamental, G-d given rights.

Beyond resources, strategy and tactics every triumphant battle requires, above all, cause and confidence. Nothing is more vital for success. You can have the strongest army, the most advanced technology, state of the art weaponry, but if you don’t believe that you are fighting for a just cause you will not have the fortitude to fight and see it through. Viet Nam is a case in point. The American army lost (or never had) its morale, never understood the purpose of the war and therefore never fought with resolve.

In sum: To effectively protect the future of our and our children’s lives and create a better world several things are necessary:

  • Not go into denial and gravitate to our comfort zones.
  • Define the enemy.
  • Believe in the justness of our cause.
  • Not negotiate with sworn enemies.
  • Use all available tools – dialogue, pressure, economic influence and if necessary, war – to vanquish the enemy.
  • If you must fight, do so with resolve and determination.
  • Demand strong leadership with moral vision and authority.
  • Focus on a positive vision for the future of the world.

With the new type of war upon us – with no defined boundaries and targets – the time has come to adjust our sensors: Not only our airport metal detectors to detect insidious, innocuous liquids, but also our consciousness to detect the devious enemy lurking within our society.

Once you know that you are fighting a sworn enemy, and at the same time you carry a deep sense of a positive vision of life, you have the necessary strength to do what it takes to protect the innocent and build a better world.


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