Theme: Spiritual Wellness
Are you lacking the “motivation” to work out? Have personal trainers, buying exercise class cards, paying for a monthly gym membership, and posting motivational quotes on your refrigerator not worked? Are you feeling guilty? Fear not! Perhaps a spiritual approach to working out can get you going. Deeper motivation and insight into the spiritual value of fitness can elevate your experience of working out, which will help you develop a positive relationship with it.
Your Body is Valuable — And Not Entirely Yours
You were created by a power greater than yourself. Your body is not yours; it is divine “property” entrusted to your care and responsibility. Your body is therefore sacred. Thus, working out and keeping your body healthy is not just good for you; it is a critical component in your obligation of protecting and maintaining the treasured gift you were entrusted with: your body. Just as you are charged with protecting and preserving your environment and definitely not harming it, you must also not take your own body for granted. It is your cosmic responsibility to treat your body with respect in every way, which includes getting regular exercise (among many other things).
Working Out Helps You to Live a Meaningful Life
When you are healthy, you can concentrate on the things that are important to you. Most significantly, a sound body allows you to focus on your soul, enabling you to fulfill your divine mission in the world and live a meaningful life. Just as the body needs exercise, sleep, proper nutrition, and occasional vitamins or medicine, the soul needs nourishment. This nourishment includes an awareness and connection to a transcendent power, and a unique purpose in life. It’s important that your physical fitness have a spiritual component — an appreciation of the higher purpose of maintaining good health.
Exercise: When exercising think about your body as a sacred entity: You are fine tuning the “vehicle” of your soul’s journey on earth. Journal about it in your MyMLC journal.
More content about Spiritual Wellness: Body Care vs. Soul Care Basics in Three Minutes | How to Achieve Spiritual Wellness
Go deeper into this subject: Toward a Meaningful Life Chapter 10: Health and Fitness
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Death means tha end of life