Are you consumed by jealousy in your life?
Do you feel envious when you watch others succeed, or when you observe what other people have?
Jealousy is very much connected to insecurity. When you are insecure, you sometimes feel that if everyone else is insecure and fails, then you won’t look so bad. Insecurity means you are always looking at others to define what you need. The more secure you are, the less jealous of a person you will be. Build yourself up from the inside out by recognizing your divine origin and your particular strengths and talents. Celebrate your uniqueness.
To begin, establish the kind of eternal values that will guide your growth and allow you to become your most actualized self. The book Toward a Meaningful Life will start you on that journey and provide unwavering foundation you deserve in order to fully express yourself as a spiritual being having an earthly experience we call life.
Start appreciating and valuing yourself every day. Turn your feelings of jealousy into wishes and desires for the things you truly want and need. Shift your focus away from what others have and instead create a picture of the life you truly want. In the book Toward a Meaningful Life you will discover a universal blueprint for living a mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy life. You already have everything you need to live a life where you feel you are enough and you have enough. Simon Jacobson, in his bestseller Toward a Meaningful Life gives a holistic perspective on all areas of life and reading it will reward you with insight into your biggest life challenges. More than anything, it will propel you forward on a journey towards your true self, towards a life that’s truly meaningful.
Why do we feel so restless? Because it has become more and more obvious that no amount of material comfort can truly satisfy us, that no amount of reason can truly answer our questions about the meaning of life. This realization has created an intense void in men and women around the world.
We now live in a place that is split between materialism and spirituality. Most of us live in one world or the other, and are unable — or afraid — to straddle the chasm that divides them. If you live in the material world, you might consider the spiritual world too demanding or rigid. If you live in the spiritual world, you might consider the material world too self-serving or rootless. Both attitudes are the result of the same philosophical flaw: the belief that G-d and the universe cannot coexist.
This flaw was the undoing of the two extremes of belief in previous centuries — atheistic materialism and dogmatic religion. We now have the luxury of hindsight to appreciate the shortcomings of this way of thinking.
The challenge we face today is to truly unite the forces of matter and spirit. This means acknowledging the dichotomy between body and soul within ourselves, and creating a harmony between our material and spiritual drives. Our unique generation offers a unique challenge: to find a language that can reach deeper into the soul, an unconventional language to deal with an unconventional problem.
A student was sitting in a garden with his grandfather. “I am getting excellent grades,” he said, “and my professors see a great future for me. And yet I am miserable.”
“A happy and wholesome life is like a perfect circle,” his grandfather replied, picking up a stone and a small tree branch. He placed the stone on the ground and, with using the branch as a compass, drew a perfect circle with the stone at its center.
“When you have a fixed and steady center, then your circle will be perfect,” the grandfather said. “However, if the center is constantly shifting, you will never be able to draw a circle. Today, many people receive a good education and establish a successful career, but never establish a spiritual center around which their life’s activities orbit. Especially in these turbulent times, one needs such a center.”
References and Notes
I could not resist this title, for I , like most of us, search for ways to make life meaningful. I was not disappointed. The Rebbe taught that we find joy not through material things and momentary pleasures, but by living a life that involves caring, compassion, respect, and duty. He covers the everyday things we all deal with: children, work, death, and life. This book is probably the most practically inspirational book I have read, and is definitely ecumenical. I highly recommend it for anyone seeking to find more meaning and more joy in life.