There is Always a Purpose
Everything was created for a specific purpose. The purpose may be profound and/or difficult to recognize, but the Rebbe reminds us that as long as we know what role something is supposed to play in our life, we can realize its purpose, labeling it eternally as ‘good’.
The Mysticism Mandate
The denouncing of the study of mysticism is nothing new, but the Rebbe elucidates why in truth, not only is learning chassidus is wholesome and healthy, and actually a requirement of Jewish law.
Disillusionment with the (not so) Pious
Poor behavior on the part of those charged with leading by example can be disappointing, but the Rebbe clarifies – without any cliches – why there is no reason to lose heart.
Tipping the Scales with a Single Thought
The opportunity to say a good word, think a good thought and do a good deed, should not be treated lightly; for minor as it may seem, any one can be a catalyst for unimaginable change both for the individual and for the global community.
The Beilis Blood Libel
This letter from the Previous Rebbe reveals some fascinating details about the Beilis Trial and Beilis’ lead lawyer Osher Grusenberg. The Previous Rebbe shares details of the meeting he had with Grusenberg, and a moving story Grusenberg told him from his childhood.
When it’s About Survival, Prioritizing is a Must
The Rebbe emphasizes that in today’s society, Jewish outreach is not just about giving people more Judaism than they already have; it is about helping them to remain Jewish in the very simple sens of the word. It is about Jewish survival.
Where Many Become One
As individuals who differ in mind, disposition, and interests – not to mention physical appearance, The Rebbe reminds us to dig a little deeper to find the most profound element of our personality. When we reach our core, we become one.
Objective Guidance for a Purposeful Path
As people, we are vulnerable to many forms of influence. The Rebbe explains why when our lives are grounded in objective divine guidance, we can be sure that we our life experience will match our purpose.
Kosher Food for a Healthy Body and Soul
Diet is fundamental in a holistic approach to good physical and emotional health. The Rebbe points out that Kosher food encourages good health of the body and the mind, and spiritual health of the soul.
Cigarette Smoking and Jewish Law
The Rebbe offers technical insight into why cigarette smoking is not – as a major health hazard – the target of a specific prohibition in Jewish Law.