Soul Vitamins: 3-Minute Videos
Examine and refine your seven soul muscles. Each week we will provide you with practical videos for personal transformation. Subscribe to get the weekly Soul Vitamin delivered to your email inbox.
Special Yom Kippur Blessing from Rabbi Simon Jacobson
As we approach Yom Kippur this year, I would like to take this extraordinary opportunity to bless you.
A Special New Year Greeting from Rabbi Simon Jacobson
As we prepare to greet and enter the Jewish New Year, let us take a moment to reflect on the strange and unprecedented year now coming to an end.
How to Communicate Effectively
How do you maintain a “for today” attitude when every day seems the same? Fight boredom with these ideas for daily and weekly activities to master the challenge of inspiration.
Mastering the Challenge of Inspiration Every Day
How do you maintain a “for today” attitude when every day seems the same? Fight boredom with these ideas for daily and weekly activities to master the challenge of inspiration.
Harmony Within Diversity
Join Rabbi Simon Jacobson and learn how to look at others as more than just their exterior: as unique souls on a divine mission.
Revealing Your Inner Light
Remember that you are here to refine this physical world, to elevate your specific corner of the world using the unique strengths given to you.
Your Role as a Parent: Tend to Your Garden
Children are our garden, and we are the gardeners. We must tend to them and help them grow.
How to Raise Healthy Children
We plant the roots with proper values and informed opinions, but we must leave them room to grow and spread their own wings.
The Key to a Healthy Parent Child Relationship
You must love, educate and guide your children based on who THEY are, not who YOU are.
The Flame of God is the Soul of Man
The flame is more than just a flame – it is a model, a prototype, of what the soul is truly like. By uncovering the flame you have discovered your own spirit.
Male and Female: Complementing Energies
There are two forms of divine energy – masculine and feminine; expressive and inwardness. Each energy is important on its own, but even more important together. Each energy must complement the other and work together to create a healthy balance.
Technology: What Is Our Human Responsibility?
Do you know the difference between taking care of your body and taking care of your soul? Have you ever stopped to compare the things you do in your daily routine that maintain the wellness of your body, versus the things you do for soul wellness?