Are You Afraid? The Antidote to Fear

In this week’s Torah Portion, Bo, we learn from Moses the secret to both the root of fear and to its antidote. As the great Moses prepared to confront the core evil of Pharaoh, the ‘supernal serpent,’ he suddenly felt frightened. But why? He had approached Pharaoh many times before… Why the fear this time around?

The fear that Moses felt, describes the true nature and essence of fear — it’s power is the loneliness that it imposes upon us. We feel we are alone in our predicament. We feel that no one can understand our pain and suffering and we fear isolation. Moses felt like he was going into the situation alone and this frightened him.

And therefore G-d’s response to Moses’ terror is, “Come with Me,” I will go with you. “Come with Me.” No matter how lonely we may feel, especially in our loss and pain, we are not alone. The only answer to the invisible power of fear – the fear of being alone – is to recognize that you are not alone.

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2 years ago

You are a wonderful human being, such understanding, kindness and love streams out to give comfort. I’ve never heard such kindness before. Thank you with live and blessings ❣

The Meaningful Life Center