Are You Lost in a Wilderness? – Dealing with a Hostile World

“I once thought that the world was such a nice place. Filled with love, happiness, friendships. People who were kind to each other, giving and compassionate. But then I grew up. I excused the first time I was lied to, feeling that it was an anomaly. But then I saw on a consistent basis how cruel people can be, how over a few dollars friends become enemies, how in the selfish pursuit of success, otherwise fine people stab each other in the back. Witnessing betrayals, duplicity and just plain greed and injustice, changed my outlook on life from a bright, optimistic one, to a fearful and insecure one.” So writes someone in a recent email that I received. Sadly, how many of us have similar sentiments? Do we live in a desolate wilderness or in a flourishing garden? Do you feel lost at times?

Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this uplifting Bamidbar/Wilderness workshop, and learn why the people had to first travel through a hostile wilderness before entering the Promised Land. By studying their journey, discover how they didn’t only survive, but thrived, and how we too can conquer the vacuous wilderness in which we often live? How we can not just regain hope, but uncover deeper strengths and resources in the barreness; deeper friendships in our otherwise unfriendly world.

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