Black Magic: The Dark Side of Kabbalah

We usually associate spirituality with very positive and uplifting experiences; feelings of inspiration, transcendence, andĀ free-spiritedness. Spirituality encompasses the ability to go beyond ourselves to experienceĀ higher states of consciousness and awareness.

But is there a dark side to spirituality? Are there shadows, risks and challenges lurking? Is there such a thing as a bad or destructive spiritual experience? Is there such a thing as a bad or destructive spiritual experience? Are there harmful shamans, healers or sorcerers? Every powerful force can create tremendous good or cause profound damage.

PleaseĀ join Rabbi Simon JacobsonĀ for this important conversation and discover that with all the great and powerful experiences we are capable of – both on a cosmic and personal level – we must never forget that there is also “theĀ other side”, the darker side. Explore methods to not only preempt the negative energy but also learn to harness it toward the good.

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I just lesioned to this video and all kinds of interruptions came at me, But I finely got through it. It is amazing what our dark side can do I had so much Trommer in my life that I thought I was condemned. Now I know for Shure I was not I just need to get me to let my inner child the innocent self to return. You said that there is still a spark there I need to access that and let that part of me to take over. you are wright that bad side does not define me There is hope my life can change and it starts with stope concentrating on the past start concentrating on G-d and remember there is a good side after all.

7 months ago

Listened, not lesioned.
Finally, not finely.
Trauma, not trommer.
Sure, not shure.
Right, not wright.

The Meaningful Life Center