Can We Conquer Fear and Anxiety?

“Think good and it will be good.”

How much impact does fear and anxiety have on your life? What roles do they play in your decisions or lack thereof?

Fear and anxiety are invisible forces, which we have difficulty identifying. However you twist it, they are a formidable force in our lives, not the least due to their imperceptibility. With that challenge in mind, how then can we fight or eliminate anxiety and fear when the enemy is undetectable? It’s like trying to fight darkness with a sword; wage war against an ethereal force with physical weapons.

To battle an enemy one must first understand the enemy. What type of adversaries are anxiety and fear? What is the nature of negative energy? How do you fight a negative? Can it be be vanquished? Can it be preempted?

Please join Rabbi Jacobson as he dissects the anatomy of anxiety and fear. Discover the two dimensions and how they need to be dispelled with distinctly different methods. Learn a new way to look at — and to conquer — anxiety and fear, opening up passages that may have been blocked for many years, allowing you to soar to new, unimaginable heights.

Read more on Emotions and Psychology.

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