1946 years have passed since the walls of Jerusalem were breached by the Romans and 2436 years since they were breached by the Babylonians. Despite all the centuries that have passed, with all the radical changes that have taken place over these last two millennia, one thing has not changed: Jerusalem and Israel is still under siege. One would think that after all that has transpired over the years, Israel should have been able to find some peace. But no! It doesn’t seem destined. At least not yet. The big question is: Why? What is it about this tiny country, barely the size of New Jersey, that continues to dominate headlines, continues to attract so much attention and continues to be the hotbed of conflict and discord? Why is the Holy Land — the most sacred place on earth — so challenged by unholy battles and bloodshed? A Promised Land so full of unpromised elements? Above all: What can we do about it?
Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this timely Matos/Three Weeks workshop, addressing the volatility of the Holy Land and its central role in the universe and in our personal lives. Discover how the Israel within your soul experiences its own battles, and how your actions — strategically planned — allow you to overcome your enemies and bring peace both to yourself and to the actual land of Israel.