Join Rabbi Jacobson for a NEW 4-Part Series
on the Chassidic Approach to Dealing with Loss and Failure
Monday, June 21 @ 8PM EDT
Part 3: How to Not be Your Own Worst Enemy
Do you often feel like you’re going in circles, making it impossible to get off the hamster wheel of gloom, dejection and depression? How does one get out of their own way? Does personal subjectivity hinder the growth and ability to transcend and emerge from the darkest moments?
Join Rabbi Jacobson as he shares personal stories and experiences to illuminate the true and tried methods on how to escape your limitations, the personal tzimtzum in yourself. Learn how awareness is half the cure, just knowing that you are subjective and acknowledging that you have these blind spots are the first steps to change. Discover how studying your soul and getting objective perspectives from Chassidic and Kabbalist literature and from a personal mentor or good friend, will help you see yourself in a different light, a light beyond yourself.
Watch a replay of
Part 1: The Psychological Approach
Part 2: The Spiritual Dynamics
Coming up:
Part 4: How to Help Others Deal with Failure