Education: How to Think; Not What to Think

Education is not just learning the skills to make a living; it is learning to understand life itself. Perhaps the greatest influence over one’s life is one’s education.

Unlike genes, circumstance, or looks, education is pretty much something under our control. So how come no one can agree on what the ideal education looks like? Should there be G-d in the classroom? Should there be classrooms? Are schools providing us with the most important tools for us to experience life? Are we teaching our children how to make a few bucks or how to make a difference?

Imparting information is but a small and rather simple component of education. A true education — an education for life — consists of teaching children that they have an uncompromising responsibility to G-d to live morally and ethically, which will sustain them individually and create a better world for their children and for generations to come.

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4 years ago

I love this talk, especially right now when people are so divided with politics based on how they grew up thinking , what news they are being fed, etc. We have to look into the issues and use our mind to connect and process, welcome rebuttals, and Question our beliefs/ absolute truths.

The Meaningful Life Center