The Stunning Election of President Trump: What Does it Mean?

Stunning. History in the making. Shocking upset. The greatest upheaval in US Presidential history. A devastating loss. These are some of the ways that the surprising election of Donald J. Trump is being described. No one (except for a select few, who perhaps are as stunned as everyone) expected it — not in the establishment, not in the government, not in the media. Without even a campaign office in some of the states he won, without a well-oiled political machine, without spending exorbitant sums as the Clinton campaign spent, against all the polls and predictions, despite all his guffaws and offensive remarks — despite all the odds, Trump pulled off this sound and astounding victory, winning states in which no one ever expected him to be a contender.

Every one — foremost in the media — is rubbing their eyes. Just look at their faces — like a doe caught in the headlights. What happened?! No one can wrap their head around this.

What did indeed happen? Is Trump a genius? Was the establishment and the media too arrogant? Did the blatant bias of the most powerful voices in America backfire? How could so many experts and strategists have so misread the sentiments of the US public? How did a man vilified by many reputable voices win such a resounding victory? What does nit say about the credibility and reputation of the venerable New York Times, as one example of many media outlets that made it their crusade to defeat Trump (venturing far beyond their mandate of reporting the news without prejudice)?  The questions will certainly be asked for years to come. But will anyone ever find the answers? Perhaps this belongs in one of those watershed junctures in history which can never fully be understood. Maybe there is an invisible hand which shows its guiding force at key moments in time?

Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this extraordinary presentation about this unprecedented election, as he places it in historical context of events that are shaking up the world today, forces that are disrupting the existing systems and institutions, leading us into a new era. Shock is the natural reaction to changes that jolt us out of comfort zones and conventional wisdoms. Groundswells like these can either overwhelm and upset our very foundations, they can demoralize and disorient us; or they can be seen as convulsions  preceding a new birth. If we allow our egos to stand in the way, we will look to blame others and all types of factors (except ourselves) for these shake-ups. However if we stand humble, and set aside our own agendas, we can allow these seismic shifts to open up new horizons.

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7 years ago

When will this be starting? It’s over an hour late!

7 years ago

This is pretty offensive to me, as well as not sensitive.
Accepting and embracing fate is one thing, I”m absolutely not convinced that ppl who feel hurt that a man who offended them and made them feel unsafe, is elected… is somehow denying the reality. We accept it. But we have feelings. And this is inconsiderate to those feelings.
BTW this is a man who himself said he would not accept the election results if he lost. I did not find this talk reasonable, understanding, or helpful to me to understand these events.

7 years ago

and to assume it’s about ego is very hurtful – that ppl are so arrogant to think that only their opinions are right. This isn’t about being right! I don’t need to have Hillary Clinton elected to feel good or powerful or smart or right. I think that is a judgemental way to see those who are emotionally wrought, weighted down, hurt, to see a man who they see as attacking them, their liberties, their safety as women/liberals/as latinos etc – take power over their country. I’m not sure they are angry as much as they are hurt… and I think it’s important to be sensitive to that pain instead of dismissive. I did not find this talk sensitive which is why I could not connect to it.

Harry Pearle
7 years ago

One of the lessons I get from the outcome of this election is that life is POLITICAL by nature. We have this in the Torah and we mention Mitzraim, daily. There is also personal politics, where we can try to influence those in our lives and vice versa. This can be motivating.

Thomas Paine said: “When opinions are free (in matters of government and religion) TRUTH will finally and powerfully prevail” So with the politics debates growing out of this election, we hopefully, we might get closer to the TRUTH. And hopefully, we might feel more valued, as individuals and as Jews in America.

Thanks so much for taking the time to address the election issue and beyond. BWELL Harry in Rochester, NY (EASY button guy)

7 years ago

Rabbi Jacobson is giving those of us that fell hurt a tool to clear our roads toward the unknown and rise above our personal pain by seeing the bigger picture. I think, he says to stop feeling sorry for yourself, and think in a positive way, even when you can not have control over everything: talk to your Creator for help, and allow inside your world room for being different; bring out the best in the one who caused your pain to grow and become better. It is about all of us, it is not only personal, and you even can not know where the road leads, but your positive attitude is what you wish for. Hear the song of the times: it calls for change, away from the same old, same old… It is done with inclusion (gentleness, discipline and freedom).

Thank you Rabbi Jacobson for your invaluable guidance in our grows. Your voice was confirmation for my thoughts.

7 years ago

Insightful yet sensitive talk, Rabbi Jacobson. I really appreciate how you explained the flaws with our thought processes about our experiences of success or failure. Thank you so much.

7 years ago

I have been on board with Trump since the beginning, as the ONLY one (of 17) who stood a chance of possibly defeating the Clinton machine which has never been held accountable for decades of crime. I was convinced he’d lose because of the Soros owned voting machines, rigged before our eyes, busloads of voters driven around to various polling places,
no voter ID for the purpose of stealing the vote. I have been in doldrums since the Bush days, who governed as a member of the ruling elite. I am insulted and offended by the massive bias by media, sjw. what about MY feelings during obama years? I CAN’T WAIT to have Trumps POLICIES enacted, but ACLU et al going to tie it up in court instead of accepting will of people? Republicans didn’t require safe spaces, we didn’t RIOT (funded by Soros).

miranda jacobson
7 years ago

I expected it from the first time he announced he would run for election. It is unfortunate to say however he has been preparing to run for President for about twenty years and using the similar propaganda techniques that Adolf Hitler used in the 1900’s if you study the pre hitler days and how he rose to power and then update it a bit with technology then you see how Trump did it. I particularly don’t care for the fact that his family is part of the transition team vs. choosing people that are both democratic and republican… those are my thoughts

7 years ago

Not looking too much at the surface of the election. Has my opinion of Mr. Trump changed? No. It’s not so much about who he is, but what he stands for. Looking at the content of any leader’s character is important…no matter who.

Pulling put, and taking a less myopic view of the election, sometimes life requires a catalyst, an antagonist, let’s call it like it is, a narcissist, to force one to examine their own core, strengthen one’s own values, define one’s self by something much greater than Mr. Trump or Secretary Clinton for that matter. We need to strive be calm, centered, neutral minded, not engage in conflict, to live by G_d’s standards, stay connected to HaShem, and be independent of mind and spirit. The ego loves conflict. Postive or negative, it thrives on it. It likes to pull you out of the present Whether it’s another person’s ego or your own. The ego wants you to take sides. It wants you to be be reactive…up in arms.

As far as I go, and I urge the rest of you to do the same…find you peace from the inside,
One cannot not know Shalom on the outside if one does not have Shalom on the inside
Shalom, shalom

7 years ago

Thank you Rabbi for your insights. I knew Trump would win and I too see him as a change agent for the times to transform the entrenched ways of politics for the better. The hand wringers and doomsayers were happy with the destruction of old systems until their own was touched. Social engineering is not the way for truly inspired change — that must come by consciousness, not law or redistribution of wealth or political correctness.

7 years ago

One should pray for G ds will even though one may have an opinion. Perhaps enough of us were praying thusly
and the answer is baffling to us as well as to the disappointed. Take it as an answer to prayer. Can’t hurt!!

7 years ago

Thank you for 40 minutes of the Voice of Reason. I have a deep Emunah that Hashem controls everything. When I have a challenge or tribulations, it is Hashem guiding me to a better choice. Thank you

Steve R
7 years ago

I liked Maliach’s comments very much. I will now try to use Trumps narcissistic, sick, personality as a man to force me to examine my own core and to help strengthen my own core values. Maliach you are right I need to rise above my ego, not choose sides and allow Hashem to bring peace to us all, We can use this terrible election outcome as a guide towards greater spiritual growth.

God Bless America
7 years ago

Thank GOD Donald Trump was elected, despite the evil Obama and Hillary’s tampering with voter booths…despite the sick and twisted Liberal media and their love affair with Obama/Hillary….despite the radicalized lunatic and brain-washed students with their teddy bears, flag burning and safe spaces. I never realized how bad America was up until now and I realize that President Trump is LONNNNNNG overdue to get us back on the right track. God bless President Trump! God bless America!

Zulfiqar Ali
7 years ago

i would like to Congratulate to Respected President Donal Trumps to Become New Us president and i m very hope full Donal will make policy to make world paradise best of luck Mr president
Zulfi from Pakistan

Ken Kumeh
7 years ago

Congratulation President elect. I hope new US policies will truly define the world as a global village. Russia, China, Israel, Palestine, Taiwan will all make meaningful contributions to the growth of the global village. US foreign policy must end the carnage between Israel and Palestine. China should be made to respect Taiwan as a state and not a province of China. Russia must leave the soil of Ukrain.
To make the world save, foreign policies of powerful countries must be redefined.

Allen B
7 years ago

Trump won, I so glad, we don’t need another politician wanting to line his own pockets, Now let him do the job he was elected for…..

Peter May
7 years ago

For good or bad, America got the president it deserved!

Marta Sue
7 years ago

After years of complete ignorance and the absence from politics, feeling that if I took the burden on of something that I knew I could never change, I have never listened to the news, read newspapers and for that matter never realized how much my vote truly mattered, I, so gratefully, accidently heard the news that Donald Trump might run for the President of the United States! Uncertain if this has become one of my greatest blessings or greatest feelings of helplessness! I am absolutely shocked by the disrespect shown to our President Elect! I am saddened and even embarrassed by the actions of those who have so proudly rioted and caused such damage to the people of our country. The disrespect, hateful and hurtful words spoken by few, is a reflect on many and in my opinion has caused a great divide among innocent people that merely felt the right to speak their opinion by our given right to Vote!! How amazing people feel such anger that our country went with what they feel, needed to take place at this time, a CHANGE!! Right or Wrong, Donald Trump has won the Presidency and will become the President of the United Stated! For those unable to help their candidate win, can we not respect the fact that enough people in our country have spoken, by choosing to make a difference, that difference was their vote! Respect this and those that chose our new President Elect!! And something that should be unspoke, to become the President, rather or not this was your choice, deserves great respect, even if this is silence of all the hateful and hurtful words! Last please respect our people, our Country and our next “President of the United States of America” President Donald Trump!!!

7 years ago

God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.

Erwin Fernandes
7 years ago

President Trump’s win good for America.

Surprised !!! to see thousands protesting against the travel ban. Most of the protesters are “-American” Immigrants.. Where were these same people when poor children and women in Syria and Iraqi were slaughtered. These people are being over-emotional for their own selfish interest.

America used to be great country in the 70’s and 80’s., with Country and Western music, Kenny Rogers,, Michael Jackson and the like, being a balanced multi-cultural society. The soft immigration rules has brought thousands of people from various countries through the Gautemala-Honduras Belizei-Mexico route. With the result you have ghettos of different nationals in many of your major cities on the East and West coast. This will eventually cause a social divide and upheaval in the not too distant future.

The back door illegal immigrants are like cancer that has set in. The travel ban by President Trump is like chemo-therapy to cancer patient, causing instant reaction. America has got to take preventive action immediately. Should the US continue with this indulgent immigration policy of the past, the social fabric of America will soon be torn apart. Look at Europe which is gradually losing it’s identity.

As far as President Trump’s views on Russia. My opinion is Russia is a country that is more European and westernized in all respects. Would make sense to have a US – Europe – Russia axis to counter the China – North Korea – Pakistan – coming together against America.

As a Non-US citizen would like to see America as a Super Power which can stand up against muscle flexing by North Korea (Poor country ruled by a despot ) or Iran an Autocratic country ruled by clerics.

Erwin Fernandes

Erwin Fernandes
7 years ago

President Trump’s win Good for America.

Surprised !!! to see thousands protesting against the travel ban. Most of the protesters are “-American” Immigrants.. Where were these same people when poor children and women in Syria and Iraqi were slaughtered. These people are being over-emotional for their own selfish interest.

America used to be great country in the 70’s and 80’s., with Country and Western music, Kenny Rogers,, Michael Jackson and the like, being a balanced multi-cultural society. The soft immigration rules has brought thousands of people from various countries through the Gautemala-Honduras Belizei-Mexico route. With the result you have ghettos of different countries in many of your major cities on the East and West coast. This will eventually cause a social divide and upheaval in the not too distant future.

The back door illegal immigrants are like cancer that has set in. The travel ban by President Trump is like chemo-therapy to cancer patient, causing instant reaction. America has got to take preventive action immediately. Should the US continue with this indulgent immigration policy of the past, the social fabric of America will soon be torn apart. Look at Europe which is gradually losing it’s identity.

As far as President Trump’s views on Russia. My opinion is Russia is a country that is more European and westernized in all respects. Would make sense to have a US – Europe – Russia axis to counter the China – North Korea – Pakistan – coming together against America.

As a Non-US citizen would like to see America as a Super Power which can stand up against muscle flexing by North Korea (Poor country ruled by a despot ) or Iran an Autocratic country ruled by clerics.

Erwin Fernandes

7 years ago

we were born for such a time as this

7 years ago

love one another as I have loved you….remember we all have been unloveable at some point in life….by all means win some unto the LORD

7 years ago

The country and the democrat senate I hope will start working together with President Trump.People do not realize God has given us our last chance to make this world right if not the end of the world is going to be here in America.Wake up America. When you see the Christians the light gone you will know its over.

7 years ago

The far left democrats are for socialism definition means leftism,welfarism,radicalism,progressism,social democracy,maxism,and communism.thats what we are fighting against we do not want democrats to dictate what we can do and say America does not want a communist America.So all I can say is come together America and fight this communist movement from the left or live in a communist America world.God help America in this fight.God bless us all.

7 years ago

The far left democrats are for socialism America does not want a socialism America.So all I can say is come together America and fight this socialism movement from the left or live in a socialism America world.God help America in this fight.God bless us all.

6 years ago

Not any one’s perfect but the lot heyyy

6 years ago

all i would like to know, is when this nut case is going to be impeached. what a sad excuse for a human being….

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