Theme: Personality Types
It may sound cliche, but one of the most important questions you can ask yourself is: “Who am I?” If that seems too simplistic, let’s rephrase the question: Can you distinguish between what you do and who you truly are (when most people are asked who they are, they present their business card…)? Can you tell the difference between the attitudes and forces — parental, cultural and social — that have shaped you and your true personality?
The fact is that many of us don’t really know what our real personality is like. Some may even be unaware of the fact that each one of us is born with an exclusive personality. And that your individuality may have been obfuscated by the many pressures and expectations that adults in your formative years projected upon you. When an impressionable and vulnerable child is not validated, nurtured and loved — and instead, is judged and criticized and made to believe that he or she has no value, and the only thing that has value is their parents opinion — is it a wonder that we have difficulty identifying our own exceptional personality and unique skills?
Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this important talk and learn how to uncover your true personality, not one jaded and distorted by life experiences. Discover your personality type — how you are wired and where your strengths lie. With all the hoops you’ve been jumping through in your life. isn’t it about time to find out your personality type — who you truly are?
All content about Personality Types: Are You Defined By Your Externals? | The Original 12-Type Biblical Personality Test