Is a plane harder to take off or to land? In life, it certainly seems easier to get inspired than to remain inspired. Experiencing a high is one thing, but grounding and integrating it is quite another. Many people have experienced transcendence in one way or another. But bringing it back into the the normal life of routines is far more difficult. And the greater the climb the harder the return. Once you have tasted euphoria can you bring it back with you when you land?
Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this Acharei/Post-Passover workshop and get a fascinating glimpse into the soul’s mechanics, discovering the underlying roots of highs and lows, and the dangers of extremes and incongruous peaks and valleys. Learn about two very different types of flights, one which defies landing and the other which can be guided into a seamlessly beautiful landing, channeling the highest of highs into the quotidian. Find out about the rhythms and rhymes of your soul — and how all of life is defined and determined on finding the balance that aligns you to your inner pulse.