Is God Black or White? | Why Diversity Matters

Every Tom, Dick and Harry is weighing in on the volatile situation rocking our streets. People everywhere are offering their opinions about what should and shouldn’t be done to prevent incidents like the senseless killing of George Floyd, as well as the violence and looting ravaging our cities. Can we ever bridge our racial divides?

But no one is asking the biggest question of all: What is God’s plan in all of this? After all, the Divine Architect is the One Who created us as diverse human beings, people of different races, colors and cultures. So what was He thinking about how our differences would play out? And what is He thinking about our conflicts today? What is the bigger picture — the birds’ eye view, and what unique role do each of us — Black, White, Hispanic or Asian — play in the greater narrative? Is one color better than the other? And what should a healthy government be doing during such upheavals?

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