Is There Life After Death?

Death: The very word strikes fear in people’s hearts. They consider death as unfathomable as it is inevitable. They are barely able to talk about it, to peer beyond the word itself and allow themselves to contemplate its true implications. And yet we are plagued by this unknown, unseeable future: What happens to us after death, if anything? What does death really mean? Where does the soul go?

The mystery of death is part of the enigma of the soul and of life itself; understanding death really means understanding life.

Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this monumental discussion — essential to anyone seeking to understand the dynamics of the soul and its journey on earth and beyond. Discover new tools that allow us to experience dimensions that are beyond the limits of our conventional tools. Learn to think and see life through the eyes of your soul instead of the eyes of your body. Open yourself to new vistas — and connect with the soul both in this world and beyond in ways you could never have imagined.

Read more on Death, Grief and Mourning.

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