Jacob’s Ladder: A Lesson on the Ups and Downs of Life

In this week’s Torah Portion, Vayeitzei, Jacob dreamed of a ladder standing on the ground, its top reaching up toward heaven, as G-d’s angels were ascending and descending on it. A ladder by definition goes two days: up and down. If we risk going up, we may fall down, but if we never attempt that first step – we will never rise.

Throughout the journey of each of our lives, especially as we embark on a new voyage, we will be shown a ladder and presented with a choice. Are we ready to undertake a new challenge with an opportunity to climb to higher places, or have life’s failures and disappointments broken us to the point of no return? After falling again and again, do we have the strength to try again – fearing yet another fall, or do we wave a white flag, deeming our efforts to climb not worth the pain?.

The most vitat lesson we can learn from Jacob’s ladder is that no matter how difficult it may be, we must never be afraid to climb, even if it means the risk of falling. Climb and climb, and then… climb again.

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2 years ago

So clearly describe, so beautiful. Sincerely!

Vivian Oguche
2 years ago

Rabbi, you are God-sent. Thank you.

The Meaningful Life Center