Joy is not just an act. Joy is an innermost soulful experience. It comes from the soul being fed and nourished. Without joy, it is like a person is without spiritual oxygen. But how can you have joy when things are not going well? Joy is an asset that helps you to fight your challenges. When people overcome challenges, it is because their joy never left them. The joy we need is not a joy associated with objects. It is an inner joy of just being alive. To achieve joy, you have to feed your soul. Instant gratification won’t work. You have to feed your soul. There is no shortcut.
Live with Rabbi Simon Jacobson
Is Joy a Verb or a Noun; An Action or a State of Being?
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 @8:30pm
Live Stream | Podcast
I liked this message a lot.
What appears above does not sound as written by Rabbi Jacobson, but rather, I think, it was done by an ‘intern’ or some ‘deputy’. And, of course, there’s nothing super wrong with the message – its nice, but just does not sound chasidish (from my point of view). The TRUE joy comes only from one place – from within each and every one of us! That’s the only meaningful, everlasting, enduring, and infectious joy. It comes as the result of a realization that no matter what, Hashem runs the world and because He is good, everything that comes from Him is good! Externa stimuli and ‘nourishment’ are not designed to create such realization. Any joy requiring nourishment is very temporarily and illusive. It requires ever more copious amount of nourishment and external stimuli to maintain, which in itself, is subject to contamination and adulteration.
What’s written in the post simply does not feel nor sounds as the Rebbe’s work … just a personal opinion. Sorry!