Judgementalism: Look into the Mirror

None of us like to think of ourselves as judgmental—it would make us too petty and small minded. So instead we often find explanations and excuses for criticizing and judging others: “I am not judging that person, I am simply pointing out their faults.” “It’s not about me, it’s about the truth and upholding higher standards.” “I’m just trying to help them see where they’re wrong.”

And yet, there are so many judgmental people on this planet. Why? Why is it so easy for a person to judge another? Who gave us that right? And what compels us to do so? Just because you disagree with someone, does that mean that you have to judge him? And if you judge others out of a sense of moral one-upmanship, ask yourself: who appointed you as an expert on morality? Is it possible that judging others is a defense mechanism; a way of elevating ourselves and feeling superior? Is judgement on others stemming from a personal insecurity? Is being judgmental ever appropriate?

Please join Rabbi Jacobson as he addresses a topic deeply relevant to our times of personal and cultural upheaval. Discover how to look in the mirror, look at yourself with a new set of eyes, and what questions to ask that help you identify the roots of judgmentalism, and distinguish between genuine respect for higher standards and rejection of negative behavior, while not resorting and stooping to judgment. And above all, learn how judgmentalism is a product of shallow and superficial attitudes, and at the end of the day, coming in touch with your core essence builds your self-esteem, which in turn helps you recognize the core essence of others, allowing you to see them in a positive light.

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Ben Pieterse
3 years ago

Awesome insights and wisdom.
Thanks so much Rabbi Jackbson.
Shabbat Shalom
Am Yisrael Chai

The Meaningful Life Center