How Much are You Hiding?
Ah, the masks we wear… How many different costumes do you parade in a day? How many faces do you have, each for different occasions and different people? Some of us have developed highly sophisticated disguises, which masterfully project various compelling (or repelling) images, skilfully camouflaging our true intentions and inner feelings. Smokescreens, escape artistry, veils and cloaks — this is just part of a repertoire of tools we use to mask our fears and insecurities. By precentage, how much of yourself are you concealing — 5%, 20%, 80% or more? Do you even know? After years of masquerading and assuming various personalities, and protecting ourselves in layers of armor, we can forget who we were protecting in the first place. Very often your mask becomes your face…
Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this unique Toldos workshop analyzing the first ever documented masquerade, Jacob dressing up in he garments of Esau, and the profound lessons this offers us as we traverse this world. Discover the courage to be present — to allow the true you to emerge and express itself. Maybe it’s time to free yourself from your masks…