The Past Can Turn You Into a Pillar of Salt
Is it possible to estimate how much energy we expend in dwelling on the past, instead of building the future? How much of our valuable minds and hearts are haunted by demons, memories, painful experiences (real or perceived), childhood wounds? Could it be that these powerful forces so congest our beings that they don’t leave much room for positive thinking? How deep does our past affect our self-confidence and self-esteem, our ability to be decisive and committed? How much does it impact our fears and insecurities, and, in effect, our life choices? Are we too busy looking back that we can’t look ahead?
Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this pointed Vayeira workshop on the indispensable lesson we learn from Lot’s wife looking back at burning Sodom and turning into salt. What was her crime? And why salt? Discover how this narrative teaches us essential tools to focus on what lies ahead instead of being consumed by what was left behind. The importance of forging ahead, especially in face of tragedy. Learn how to define your future goals, which in turn will overshadow any challenging past.