Of Humans and Trees

6 Botanical Lessons for Our Lives

Ahh, the healthy life. Who doesn’t aspire to living the healthiest possible life? One in which all your systems are at 100%, all your fluids and flowing seamlessly, all your synapses are functioning perfectly, all your organs and limbs are in the best shape, and, last not but least, your cognitive, emotional and psychological state is balanced and in harmony. However, we are challenged by the question: what defines a healthy life? It’s difficult if not impossible to strive for a goal when we don’t have a template, a model which to compare to.

Enter… nature, and in our case, the simple tree: Nature in general, and a tree in particular, offers us a perfect backdrop over which we can juxtapose our human structure and personality and, by study in contrast, identify the areas in our life that can stand improvement, correction or change.

Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this intriguing Tu B’Shvat/ Yisro workshop and discover the six botanical secrets of the tree, which teach us the six critical elements that define the healthy and fulfilling life. The human is like a tree in the field: Like a tree, each of us needs roots, trunk, branches, leaves, fruits and seeds. Learn how to examine yourself and build up these six building blocks to actualize your potential and live the most productive life possible.

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