The Psycho-Spiritual Revolution of Our Times

No one doubts that we are in midst of a global revolution. Radical change is impacting virtually every front, with no end in sight; only accelerating at a dizzying pace, dramatically changing every aspect of our lives. Breathtaking medical breakthroughs — life expectancy alone has more than doubled in the last century (going from a median age of 31 to 67), stunning scientific and technological wonders, major advances in communications, unprecedented access to everything, anywhere, anytime. Even on the political front freedom has been growing steadily, to the point that today only 25 out of 192 countries in the world are considered unfree. International tensions are at the lowest point in all of history — reflected in a significant decrease in wars fought over the past 60 years compared to the centuries before that (despite challenges that we face today). Everywhere we look we witness a paradigm shift of unimaginable proportions, even twenty years ago.

But behind every revolution lies many hidden forces. What are the behind-the-scene mysteries that have shaped and continue to shape our epic times? What energies have been accumulating beneath the surface that have led to the groundbreaking eruptions of our generation?

Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this extraordinary Vayeishev/Yud Tes Kislev workshop discussing the spiritual revolution that took place 216 years ago, unleashing forces that have led to our information age and the other breakthroughs of our times. Learn how this revolution has grown in intensity ever since, and how it has and can positively transform every dimension of our lives. Discover the soul of today’s major developments and how you can tap into these forces in ways that will change your life and your relationships.

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