The very word addiction repulses us. It evokes feelings of helplessness, bondage, degradation, lack of control — losing mastery over oneself. Addiction essentially means that instead of you controlling a substance or a behavior, it controls you. Who in the world would want to relinquish control and be addicted to anything?! Who would want to lose their dignity in that fashion? And yet we find millions of people suffering from all sort of addictions — drugs, alcohol, gambling, sexuality — literally being enslaved by these forces. How could a human being stoop to such a low allowing their very humanity to be violated like this?! Is there any redeeming element to addiction? If addiction causes one to defile his dignity to such an extent, could that indicate that its power comes from a deeper place than the dignity itself?
Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this eye-opening Shemini, post-Purim workshop and discover the surprising roots of addiction. Learn how the first case of alcoholism (in the story of Aaron’s two sons) ironically teaches us the secret of living the most balanced, sober and transcendent life! Explore ways how to replace unhealthy addictions and obsessions with positive ones.