The Sheik, Sinai and World Peace

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With the Middle East continuing to dominate headlines and its “politics” continuing to haunt (and terrorize) the world, it’s wise to step back (and up) and take a bird’s’ eye view at the wider historical panorama, the forces that have shaped our modern condition. Immediate events tend to cloud our vision, disabling us from seeing the forest for the trees. The myopic perspective is overwhelmed by upheavals. The broader picture allows us to see upheavals as forces for change and transition, which when harnessed, create a metamorphosis of the grandest proportions.

Who was the first Arab sheik? Hint: the Druze consider him their ancestor, spiritual founder and chief prophet. Another hint: This week’s Torah portion is named after him. By studying this sheik we can uncover fascinating parallels to our times, and with that information we can gain a deeper understanding of today’s events, and above all — map out a strategy how to proceed and turn our challenges into tremendous opportunities.

Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this sweeping Yitro workshop and discover the gripping story of a sheik who changed history. A man whose worldly experience and diverse proficiency in all wisdoms was a prerequisite for the greatest event of all time — the revelation at Sinai. A sheik who can teach us how the sheiks of our day can also serve — not as harbingers of terror and death — but as pioneers of a new age of enlightenment and higher consciousness..

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