We Pray; But Is Anyone Listening?

Interesting stat: More than half the world’s population prays daily. But here are the big questions many of us grapple with: Is anyone actually listening? Does God even care? Does praying accomplish anything?

Before trying to answer these questions, we need to first rethink what prayer IS. Prayer is NOT about what God wants from us. Rather, prayer is about what you want from your connection to God. Prayer is not just a desperate effort of someone in crisis, or a crutch based on cultural superstitions. Nor is it merely a religious ritual. Prayer is about attachment — attaching yourself and pouring your heart out to a Higher Reality, and drawing that power into your life. It is about communicating your needs, desires and requests to a source higher than yourself – be it through words, tears, pre-written prayers… whatever it is that talks to you. Prayer is about connecting the bigger picture with the smaller picture of your life. It is very effective. It’s free, and you can do it anytime and anywhere.

Join Rabbi Jacobson and discover the true essence and purpose of prayer. Once we uncover what prayer truly is, we can begin to understand how our prayers do indeed work, and someone out there actually does listen and care.

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