Why Do We Need Spirituality?

Entering the World of the Sublime

None of us need to be reminded that we are material creatures, in need of very physical things for our survival and comfort. Food, shelter, intimacy. We also are fully cognizant of our needs for leisure and pleasure. Fill in the blanks. But how important are our spiritual needs? And what does spirituality even mean? Where does our material life end and our spiritual life begin? What is the difference, if at all, between sensuality and spirituality? Even though empirical and materialistic experiences are natural and tangible to us, how vital a role does the sublime play in our lives? Just because the world of spirit is invisible and ethereal doesn’t mean that it isn’t critical to our well-being. (Our DNA and cellular/genetic structure is also invisible, and yet they shape all our lives). After all, what would we be like with bodies and no souls, with physical activity and no spirit within? What do our souls look like and how do we nourish them?

Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this fascinating discussion on the meaning and significance of spirituality in our lives. Discover the mysterious world of our spirits and how it defines every aspect of our lives. Learn how to map out your soul, answering perhaps the most important question of all: Who are you? Are you a material person on a spiritual journey, or a spiritual person on a material journey?

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