Yes, You Really Actually Matter

Your worth is something that nobody can take away from you, because nobody gave it to you. Your parents cannot take it from you. Your schoolmates cannot take it from you. Try as they might to make you feel worthless, they have no real effect on your worth as a person. G-d, and only G-d, gives you your worth. If your self-esteem is low, you can remedy it at the source by getting in touch with YOUR source — your true self the soul level. In this video, Rabbi Jacobson discusses your inherent worth as a human.


Go deeper into this subject: The Secret Power of Your Birthday


When you need sensitive and insightful life coaching, come to Rabbi Jacobson. Renowned for his unique approach in addressing psycho-spiritual issues and applying timeless Jewish thought to contemporary life, his voice is uniquely in-touch, relevant and cutting edge to help people have the breakthrough they need.

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