Your Soul Workout Journal – 09/25/2020


Your Soul Workout Journal

Elul 25.
Few month ago I wrote to exercise to be prepared for the Hight Holiday I will need to completed my project: Save the Artic world & my aerial project. That the way I found to bring light to the world.
Now, that sentence include my strengths & weaknesses; My Perseverance: I didnt stop to work on my Aerial- Visual Art project and I also begin to ask for a Art grant for the 7 september.
I realize again; I can lost control of my own life and projects and values ​​an some situations; I think the main reason is because I want to beliefs I have friends, people want to help me and I can trust other. So I need to be wakeup and take information about the people, I selected to give me advices. If I cant give renumeration, if I’m an a vulnerable situation or if I have a lack of time;That better to do nothing than to lost time to do something I will need to destroy. Because; one of my strength is to be able to get out, take recul and refuse to be trap in a place who try to model my mind to an image I refuse. I will prefer to just be able to dont put my foot at the wrong place and to be abble to distinguish the true value of the place.


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