Your Soul Workout Journal – 11/09/2021


Your Soul Workout Journal

Hello self, so here we are therefore, lets talk to my soul. Soul going back to school at this young age of sixty-five is kind of crazy right? Well, in order to earn your Master’s Degree in Social work one can not just dream but, rather move towards it and this is the best time because all the kids are gone and the grandkids are all doing well. (Praise God). Soul, I’ve come to realize this life on earth is just temporal yet, with an opportunity to give of my self so I can help others therefore, becoming a social worker and a lover of music we will be dancing and singing our encouragement to those in need and to speak truth to a world of deep darkness. Soul, we have witness the disaster of drugs and alcohol plays on society from the youth to our beloved seniors and all those in between. I witness, lies after lies and learned if a lie is repeated long enough it sounds like a song of truth. I’ve witness the human spirit of God’s humanity being treated so badly in the most horrid kinds of ways and often yet, those who follow God’s principles find comfort to persevere. I think, so how some way God himself works in humanity and he needs those who believe in him and his son to share his good news and what better way than become a social work after all your will be exposed to many types of people different populations and ages.
So, why not give of yourself ? I know… doubts right? well the best thing to do is just do. What about the money to go back to school is it wise at my age to spend money on a degree? Soul, look at it this way its a investment in you, to prove to yourself you are more than what you think right now. Remember, think right then, all will be right. God will help you.


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